Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Scoop & Score...
The biggest play in L&C Football history in the last 8 years. What a way to start our off-season!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
O-Line food chronicles (South Asia addition)
The tradition continued when the big fella's made a trip over to Pho Van in the Hawthorne district for some $5 Pho a few weeks ago. Coach Falconer has a pretty severe addiction to the stuff after a trip to Vietnam this past summer.
Today is a pre game trip to La Serenita in Sellwood for Taco's, Burritto's, Sopa's and the best Horchata in town!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The O Line & Food - Pork edition
Last Friday the O Line went downtown to City Market and saw the good people at Viande Meats. Every Friday they do a little something called Porchetta which is just about the best thing you can eat - ever.
It entails roasting a whole stuffed pig so guys over 250 lbs pretty much have to love it...and at $5.99 for a 1/2 lbs of the best pig in town it's perfect for a group know for it's competitive nature both on the playing field and in the cafeteria.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Livin' and learnin' in another country!!

Spring semester of my Junior year I,(Zach Himmelberger) through Lewis & Clark's study abroad program, spent six months in South America. Cuenca, Ecuador became my home away from home during my three months of study. I was put up with a host family, who were absolutely amazing. My host mom was the best cook ever, my host dad was the retired head of the Ecuadorian Olympic Committee turned congressman, my host brother was ex-National Champion in cycling, and my host sister was an extremely successful businesswomen with an awesome 8 year old daughter who became one of my best friends. Besides having a great host family, my school experience was top notch. I, along with 14 other L&C students, attend La Fundacion Amauta. We took two Spanish classes along with a biology class and a anthropology class. I would have to say the Spanish classes I took in Ecuador were the best classes I have ever taken. Our professors were funny, engaging, challenging, and probably the best ever at what they do. Although I was able to speak Spanish before leaving my skills and confidence in speaking Spanish have sky-rocketed.

After the semester in Cuenca ended in mid-April, two friends, Sam and Ivan, and I headed for the rain forest. The three of us decided to do some volunteer work in the amazon with a Quechua-speaking community called Shiripuno. It was located just outside of Pto. Misahualli in the Napo province in northeastern Ecuador. I spent one month in Shiripuno as a volunteer...it was hands down the most amazing experience of my life. I lived alongside indigenous people who call the Ecuadorian amazon their home. We helped these people with their day to day routines of cutting and gathering cacao which is eventually made into chocolate, uprooting and planting yucca, feeding and caring for their livestock, making crafts for tourists, etc. During our stay, the people really accepted us into their community not only as driven volunteers willing to do just about anything to help but also as good friends. They looked out for us and cared for us while also making fun of us and hassling us from time to time. Overall, my experience their was great, something I will never forget. The last night we were in Shiripuno we were asked to say a short something to the people of the community. I told them, "Aunque era poco tiempo que estuve aca, la experience durara por siempre en mi corazon." (Although I was here a short time, the experience will always last in my heart). We left the next day to a scene of several crying women and children who had come to love us in such a short amount of time.
That was just one experience of many that my time abroad gave me the opportunity to have. The entire journey of being out of my element and really being forced to open up to a new and different culture is invaluable. Learning so much about the myself, so much about the world, is what made this something that, for me, has changed my life. It has opened me up to the world of travel, to new cultures, to wanting to jump on every new opportunity presented in front of me, which in my opinion, is a great way to live.
Anyways, my time abroad was life altering. I loved every minute of it and if I could do it again, I definitely would!!! I do suggest it to anyone looking to experience something great.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Pio Fair & subsequent jousting...
Friday, August 14, 2009
What is it REALLY like to live in P-town?

Living in Portland means you get a lot of visitors. You hear the same question over and over again - Why does everyone love living in Portland? Having 2 transplants on the staff - Coach Jacobs and Coach Phil : They can attest to the Portland appeal and come up with quite a few different answers….besides it being so beautful! But the Answers are not typical....
Portland’s appeal happens to be a mix of cuisine, entertainment, arts, culture, sports, and natural beauty… with the ”Portland” twist into the realm of Atypical. The Atypical makes you love this city. We have all the ‘normal’ big city items to enjoy: Professional sports, tall buildings downtown, countless malls, chain restaurants, big name concerts, and major company headquarters. We have ‘the expected’ that every city should offer. But, it’s the other stuff that makes you sometimes shake your head in both amazement or perplexity…or both.
Atypical #1: ”Why are the outdoors such a big deal here?” The list of sights is too abundant but the big ticket items are: Mount Hood, Multnomah Falls, Silver Falls, Columbia River Gorge, and the Oregon Coast (where scenes from both Goonies and Twilight were filmed). You can snowboard, surf, hike, fish and bike… all in one weekend.
Atypical #2: “Who thought of these restaurants?” For example, Voodoo Doughnuts serves doughnuts 24 hours a day and provides anything from Captain Crunch Doughnuts to an Arnold Palmer and Fire on the Mountain runs a special for free wings if you can bounce on a pogo stick for a minute. Interested? Then also try Fat City Cafe, Por Que No?, Pine State Biscuits, and don’t leave out Portland City Grill, while both trendy and hip, offers a panoramic view of the city from the 30th floor.
Atypical #3: "How do so many different people get along?" Good question. Most likely because Portland comes with a friendliness that promotes a good vibe…. maybe it’s all that fresh air. But, no doubt, we have a variety: green, trendy, classy, sporty, old-fashioned, liberal and combination's of each. We like different music, different sports, and different art. But, we can all come together and celebrate the ‘atypical’ that makes Portland unforgettable.
After all, when was the last time you were driving and ended up staring at a mountain like that on the way to the Burgerville?
Friday, June 26, 2009
All in the Family...
The only difference is their choice in Junior Colleges. Dan Curtin chose San Francisco City College while Louis Baltazar chose Laney Junior College.
It was an easy decision for these two once they made the visit.
"Legit" was how Dan described the campus and Louis saw an "academically challenging environment inside of a bad ass city"...
Here is Dan's highlights from his senior year at Riordan...
This is a little bit of what Louis did at Laney JC....
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Risto is EARLY as in action!!!!

St. Elizabeth HS - Oakland, CA
Risto' chose to take the EARLY ACTION path to admission at L&C after a campus visit the summer before his senior year.
EARLY ACTION is just a way to be admitted before all of the regular applicants. Risto' knew L&C was the place for him very early...
"They had the balance between the athletics and the academics that I wanted. I wanted to play some ball AND be a successful engineer one day. I wanted a place that could do both for me.."
Monday, June 8, 2009
Fly Fishing 101..
Thursday, May 21, 2009
EEaaaaaarrrrrrrllllllyyyyyyyyy ACTION!!

Justin Fabrick - DL/LB - South Eugene HS
Eugene, OR
Coach Falconer spied this guy tearing up other kids at a camp during the summer. L&C became Justin's #1 very early...
" They have a tremendous study abroad program and the coaches talked to me specifically about why they wanted me there so bad. "
Justin went on to say:
" ...other places recruited me hard but it just felt like home there. "
give me a J ! give me a P ! Whats that spell??
From the 209...
Black and Orange !
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
This cat already looks good in the Black and Orange
2 Large Humans sited - in the 707...

CLICK HERE to find out more.....
Monday, May 11, 2009
k - DUB!!
NK - headed NORTH!

Nathan Kinney - LB from Campolindo HS in the Eastbay is on his way this next Fall...
Reason for choosing L&C....
1. Academics
"Coach - I am trying to do something big with my life..."
2. Location
"the food was Legit...."
3. Momentum
"It was clear to me you guys had a plan of rebuilding your program - and I wanted to be part of that plan!"